Shifting Consumer Attitudes Toward Fantasy and Sports Betting

Example Author
October 27, 2020

The fantasy sports and sports betting industry was not immune to the disruption caused by COVID-19.

With the start-and-stop nature of major leagues, and the looming threat of a shutdown in the midst, HPL Digital Sport (HPLDS) wanted to gauge whether fans’ energy and enthusiasm for fantasy sports and sports betting had changed.

In a snap survey of more than 600 fantasy players and sports bettors, HPLDS sourced original findings on the year-over-year engagement in gaming and betting, the levels of loyalty to specific platforms, and what would ignite users to be more loyal to one brand versus another.

fantasy and sports betting industry is exploding

The NFL is back and the fantasy and sports betting industry is exploding

Yet, 60 percent of fantasy and sports bettors feel minimal loyalty to any one site or platform, according to our most recent HPL Quarterly Pulse. The result – very little customer retention and significant dollars lost. Check out the following insights from our research on changing consumer attitudes.

Of respondents aren’t loyal to any fantasy or sports betting platform
Of respondents said sports betting or fantasy ads haven’t pushed them into action